New Orleans Bicycle Club
2-Person Time Trial
40 km, LaPlace, Louisiana
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Held under USA Cycling Event Permit
Photo by Shannon Atkinson
Photos by Shannon Atkinson
Photo by Shannon Atkinson

Photo by Shannon Atkinson


Men Cat. 1-2
Men Cat. 3
Men Cat. 4
Men Cat. 5
Women Cat. 1-4
Master Men 40+
Master Men 55+
Juniors (20 km)


Register Online Now!Online pre-registration* closes Friday night, March 19. Race Day Registration and number pickup will be from 7:30 to 8:30 am and first rider off will be at 9:00 am. Team members please pick up your numbers together. One-day USCF licenses will be available on race day, or may be purchased at the online registration site above. Teams containing riders with one-day licenses are not eligible for LCCS points. USAC riders, please renew your racing licenses online prior to the race at Mixed-category/class teams compete in the fastest/youngest category for which they are eligible. Registration will be on Frenier Rd. at Highway 51, just north of I-10.
*There is no additional service fee for online entries.


Name/Contact Cat. Age
Andrew Skaggs
(904) 434 - 8417
Paul Kerst
3 52 0:57:00
Michael Brown
20-23 mph
Allan Edwards
5 40 20-23 mph
Justin Borden
5 38 1:00:00


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All riders on a team must hold current USCF annual licenses in order the team to be eligible for LCCS points.
Teams with mixed LCCS Classes/Categories will compete in the class/category of the most advanced team member according to the following hierarchy. Cat. 1,2; Cat. 3; Cat. 4; Master 40+; Master 55+; Junior
Teams composed entirely of Master or Junior riders must elect in advance to compete in either the appropriate Skill Category or Age-Graded LCCS race. For example, a 2-man team composed of a Cat. 2 master 40+ rider and a Cat. 4 master 40+ rider may compete in either the Cat. 2 competition or the Master 40+ competition.
LCCS points for team time trials are awarded to clubs/teams only.


Click to see area map12.4 miles out and 12.4 miles back on HWY 51. Road is extremely smooth and fast. Turnaround will be about a 1/2 mile before the manchac overpass. Course will be closed to most traffic, but police will be allowing access to some vehicles as necessary. *Junior teams will compete over a 20 km course, turning around at the 10 km point.



From New Orleans, take I-10 west to Laplace and exit north at Hwy 51. From Baton Rouge, take I-10 east to Laplace and exit north at Hwy. 51.


  • Riders will go off at 1-minute intervals, grouped by Class/Category, in order of race number.
    • Juniors
    • Women
    • Master 55+
    • Master 40+
    • Category 5
    • Category 4
    • Category 3
    • Categories 1,2
  • NO DRAFTING! USCF Team Time Trial rules apply.
  • The team time will be that of the second rider finishing. Both riders must finish to qualify for prizes and LCCS points.
  • Restarts for teams arriving at the start line late, having flat tires, loose components, mechanical difficulties, etc. will not be permitted.
  • Team support vehicles are not allowed.
  • Approved helmets must be worn.
  • Jerseys must have sleeves.
  • Course will be closed to most traffic but keep your head up at all times. Police may allow some vehicles access to the course.
  • Please be on time to register. We are lucky enough to have road closure but must be finished within a reasonable time.
  • Parking will be available on the shoulder of Hwy 51.


Randy at, 504-988-3395


Relevant USCF Team Time Trial Rules:

3F. Team Time Trial

3F3. Only road bicycles shall be used. (For those triathletes out there, this does NOT exclude typical Time Trial or Triathlon bikes.)

3F4. The starting interval between teams will normally be at least two minutes, but may be increased according to the course. (for this event, we will use 1-minute intervals)

3F5. Starting order may be chosen by random selection, by numeric order, or by seeding (fastest last). (For this event, we will use numeric order, grouped according to Class/Category.)

3F6. Start. (a) Each team shall report to the starter at least three minutes before their scheduled starting time and shall start at the scheduled time. If a team appears later than the appointed starting time, the start shall be allowed only if it does not interfere with other teams starting on schedule. If it does interfere, the team may be further delayed. In case of a 75 late start, the appointed time shall be used in computing results. (b) The riders from each team shall line up side by side at the start. All riders shall be held by officials at the start and shall neither be restrained nor pushed. When there are too few holders, all riders must start with one foot on the ground. All teams must start in the same manner. No restarts shall be permitted for any reason.

3F9. All pushing of riders is forbidden, even among teammates. Such pushing will result in the entire team being disqualified.

3F10. No team shall take pace behind another team closer than 25 meters (80 feet) ahead, or 2 meters (7 feet) to the side [time penalties in Table 1].

3F11. The exchange of food, drink, minor repair items, help with repairs and exchange of wheels or bicycles shall be permitted solely among members of the same team.

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