New Orleans Bicycle Club - LOGO The New Orleans Bicycle Club---
1999 Louisiana/Mississippi Track Series
July 24, July 31, Aug. 14, Aug. 28, Sep. 4
Baton Rouge Velodrome - Perkins Road near Essen

Featured Events

Race A Format - July 24 and August 14
Match Sprints
200 M Time Trial
Points Race
Miss & Out

Race B Format - July 31 and August 28
Team Pursuit
Olympic Sprint
4000 M Pursuit
Kilometer TT
Austrailian Pursuit

District Championships - September 4
All Above Events Will Be Held

Regular Series Events: 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
District Championships (Sept. 4): 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

For More Info call Norman Nolan at (504)383-7355
Entry Fee is $15, no late fee.
Categories will be created once a group of five has been established in any one category.
Fields will be combined at the promoter’s discretion.

Exit from I-10 at Essen Lane. If coming from New Orleans, take a left, if from Lafayette, take a right. Proceed on Essen for about ½ mile, taking a right on Perkins Road. The velodrome is approximately a ¼ mile on your left.